Wednesday, 14 October 2015

How the digital thermometer helps you to predict the real temperature

Cooking meat at its perfect tenderness and juiciness is an art since the old times. To check the "doneness" of meat either it is poultry or red meat, the most accurate way is to rely on a digital thermometer. The safest food is one, which is cooked at premised minimum temperature, ambient to destroy all the harmful internal food microorganisms. In the old days, the properly cooked meat was judged by their sensory attributes including its looks, texture, and moistness, but now days checking the temperature with meat thermometer can also describe its “doneness”. Many food dealers thought that color and other observable pointers like darkening and lightening of meat could also be temperature indicators. These visible indicators are far away from the accuracy that can obtained by a digital meat thermometer, making color unreliable attribute.

The other technical thing to learn is what are the accurate places to check the temperature by using digital thermometer? An ordinary person cooking hamburger patties will judge the doneness by the brown color, but there are chances of living pathogenic bacteria. Only Hamburger cooked by an expert at 160 °F determined by inserting meat thermometer at the right place can be recommended as safe. In poultry, inner thigh region and the breast area are the most recommended one with the temperature of 165 0F. While talking about beef, lamb, pork, Veal and ham, the best area for inserting digital meat thermometer is the center of the most dense and thickest region but not touching bone or fat. For ground or minced meat, the procedure is also same as described above.

Lastly, the important fact to know is when to insert digital thermometer? Inserting meat thermometer depends upon the type of meat and oven as well. digital meat thermometer should be oven-proof and good to insert at initial stages while for instant reading and only require 15 seconds. 

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