Monday, 1 May 2017

Give up on the strenuous activity and take rest to help heal rhomboid pain

The skeletal muscle called the rhomboid muscle connects the spine with the shoulder blade or the scapula. It acquires the name rhomboid owing to its diamond shape. Now, you should know that there are two types of rhomboid muscles called the major and minor rhomboid muscles. To facilitate the movement of the shoulder blades both these muscles contract and relax. There are three categories of muscle found in human body namely smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle. The skeletal muscle is manifested by parallel lines caused by the ordered bundles of long muscle fibres. Unlike smooth and cardiac muscle, the skeletal muscle connects to bones and is under voluntary control. Overuse of shoulder, excessive stress, overhead exercises or hunching, can lead to muscle strain causing rhomboid pain.
The rhomboid pain is experienced in the upper back region just below the neck and between your upper shoulder blades. If you have been carrying heavy load, your rhomboid muscle that helps in controlling your shoulders and arms has to bear the brunt and this becomes the cause for pain. Sportsmen, especially those who play tennis and golf go through this sort of pain. In your attempt, trying to reach and bring down something heavy from an upper shelf can result in rhomboid pain. Hence, you must have realised when you overstrain your back you can become a victim of this pain.
If you bend awkwardly, swing something violently or twist your body, you are most likely to experience rhomboid pain. The rupture of the rhomboid muscle can cause severe pain. This pain can also arise due to compressed nerve that can make your movements very difficult. Often this pain is accompanied with swelling that result in much more discomfort. To ease this pain, you are recommended to rest as far as possible. Now you know that the rhomboid pain is the result of you overstraining the rhomboid muscle. If you ignore the pain and continue with your strenuous work, a tear can occur and this can make your recovery process difficult. 
You can take pain reliever tablets to ease rhomboid pain but make sure you rest and this is very important. Pain easing tablets will also aid in reducing the swelling, if any, along with the pain. The other option to alleviate the pain is to apply cold compresses. The cold compress application should not exceed for more than 20 minutes. After the pain leaves, you should do some gentle movements and stretches. This will help to recover elasticity and range of motion, thus succeeding in recovering completely. One of the gentle stretching that you can do is interlacing of your fingers at the back and gently pushing them out backward. While you do some stretching exercise make sure you do not overdo them, least, you will overexert your rhomboid muscle also abstain from lifting any heavy objects. 

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